The Importance of Educational Science for Humanity

At this time, situs slot online Education is very important to learn for all mankind. The definition of education itself is actually very broad, unlike in general where education can only be obtained from schools or universities, but education knowledge can also be obtained through one’s experience in the world of work or through daily life.

You need to know, through the way of speaking alone, smart people can know whether someone is educated or uneducated. Therefore, it is important for us to study education so that we can be fluent when doing everything, one of which is establishing business relationships where you are required to be able to speak well and have broad insight to know everything.

Science Education itself has actually existed even from ancient times, curious how the process is? Let’s discuss together about the past history of education science.

The Past History of Education in the World

As discussed in the previous paragraph, where the science of education has been formed from ancient times. Here are some countries that have had the concept of education since ancient times.


In ancient times, Egypt already had the knowledge of education in the form of culture. The culture in Egypt is very thick, as evidenced by the many carvings of hieroglyphic writing (holy writings), as well as the existence of a calendar with the division of 12 months for one year. Then he has known irrigation and some writings which are still unsolved until now.

At that time, educational activities were carried out in temples or what we now know as pyramids. The purpose of education at that time was so that every human being had actions that were in accordance with the religious teachings of that time. In addition, there are reading, writing, arithmetic, and astronomy activities. The student and teacher system at that time was where students and teachers were required to live in a dormitory (pyramid) during the education process.


The state of India also participates in disseminating the knowledge of Education. However, the knowledge of education that is shared there is different. The difference is caused by the caste/level of each human being there, where the highest caste is:

  • Brahmin caste
  • Knight Caste
  • Vaisya Caste
  • Sudra Caste
    Life there in order to be successful both in terms of economy and behavior, is not based on religion, but based on the caste.


Education in ancient Greece has also been formed from that era. The division of knowledge Education at that time was divided into two, namely Sparta and Athens. For Sparta education, priority is given to the strategy of war to the physical strength of the educated person. In contrast to Athens which is more concerned with physical and spiritual health, and prioritizes harmony in life.
The characteristics of Sparta Education are:

  • Education can only be enjoyed by citizens who were not colonized.
  • Does not accept children with disabilities.
  • Prioritizing dexterity as well as strategy and war techniques.
  • Education is given from children who are still at an early age.
    The characteristics of Athens Education, namely:
  • Uphold world peace.
  • Implemented like today, namely through schools.
  • Can be enjoyed by anyone.

That’s some interesting information about the science of education in the past based on several countries. What are the real goals and functions of education?

Functions, Objectives & Types of Education Today

Education has a goal to educate and develop a potential possessed by some children. Not only that, education also has a goal so that students have good character and always think about the consequences of what they do. Responsibilities are also given through education.

While the function of education is a process that humans must go through in order to be able to develop their basic abilities, and shape the character and character of a human being so that these students become human beings who are more dignified and have good morals. The types of education provided to date include the following:

Formal Education

The education provided in formal education is education that has levels and is structured, starting from Kindergarten, Elementary School (SD), Junior High School (SMP), to Senior High School (SMA).

After Junior High School, students can also choose several other options such as a Vocational High School (SMK) which applies more practical work, and there is also a Mechanical Engineering School (STM) which focuses more on mechanical engineering for students who are interested in the world of machinery.

After going through the process, or it can be said that they graduated from school, students can continue their studies at a higher level, namely college. Through this education, students are more focused on their talents or passions to choose majors. The choice of majors given at the level of the world of lectures has a variety of choices, namely:

  • Biology Department
  • Department of Pharmacy
  • Informatics Engineering
  • Department of Architecture
  • Department of Agriculture
  • Department of Nuclear Engineering
  • Chemistry Department
  • Astronomy Department
  • Medical School
  • Department of Public Health
  • Department of International Relations
  • Department of Archeology
  • Department of Psychology
  • Department of Office Administration
  • Department of Foreign Language Literature
  • Department of Economics
  • Department of Law
  • Department of Communication Studies
  • Department of Fashion Design
  • Department of Visual Communication Design (DKV)
  • Department of History

Those are some choices of majors that can be occupied according to the passion of the students.

Non-Formal Education

Non-formal education is education provided outside of formal education hours such as tutoring, additional guidance, extra-curricular activities, and several other types of educational activities. In contrast to formal education which is mandatory for all human beings, non-formal education focuses on developing the talents of these students.

Informal education

The last type of education is informal education. This education is obtained from everyday life both from parents and the child’s environment. It can be said that this education can be obtained independently by the students. Examples are religion, ethics, morals, manners, and ways of socializing.

That’s some brief information that we can share about Education. Hopefully entertained and this information is able to fulfill your desires in terms of education. Thank you.

That knowledge does not leave you behind

“Learning is a process that does not end”, this phrase has never been more evident than today, where the accelerated development of technology constantly changes the way we relate to the world. Applications like Uber have completely revolutionized urban transportation and today, just 5 years after this company arrived in Mexico, we ask ourselves: “How could we manage without it?”

This phenomenon occurs in every aspect of our life and, while on the social side it occurs gradually, on the work side it arrives in a more disruptive way, demanding that professionals constantly update themselves. There is a new sense of urgency to pursue and be informed of the insights that are generated daily, but at the speed that this happens it is impossible to keep up. Faced with this new panorama, the Continuing Education model is presented as the answer.

Continuing Education or continuous learning solutions offer specialized and current knowledge, focused on practice and with a duration that adapts to the needs of professionals.

CONECTA , the news site of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, conducted an interview with Marco Antonio Serrato, director of Academic Linkage and Learning Experience of the institution where he talks about the 5 key points of Continuing Education.

1. Continuing Education allows you to personalize your work profile according to your particular experience and needs. To upgrade, you can take the following programs:





2. This model has a focus on competencies, for which the student can endorse the acquisition of specific competencies that will be highly relevant in their curriculum and professional development.

3. Continuing Education, following its philosophy of adaptability to the rhythm of the students, uses online courses and classes taken remotely. This opens up the possibility of international learning, with experts and colleagues from various parts of the world.

4. Adaptive learning that offer a curricular design tailored to what the student wants. “With the new technological tools for teaching and data analysis, courses can be configured in such a way that two students in the same class do not receive it in the same way, both in format and content.”

5. Digital badges are the most efficient way to check your competencies. Quickly and safely, you will be able to show your academic preparation in your professional online networks . Tec’s Continuing Education programs offer this digital certification.

Are you interested in knowing more? Learn about the learning solutions we have for you in our Continuing Education portal .

Being wrong is incredible, if you do it with assertiveness.


Did you know that Mexico is the country in the world with the highest percentage of work stress? According to the World Health Organization, 75% of Mexican workers suffer from this disease, also called burn out , which places the country in first place worldwide in this category; China is followed with 73% and the United States with 59%.

One measure to counteract stress at work is by using assertive communication. This ability helps us to recognize what we want and communicate it effectively, completely transforming our environment and reducing stressful situations. However, assertive communication is a rare model that is used in the workplace and we continue to resort to two styles of expressing ourselves that are not effective, aggressiveness and passivity.

According to Olga Castanyer and Estela Ortega, in their book Assertiveness at work: How to say what I feel and defend what I think, “the assertive is a well-adjusted person who knows their rights and defends them in a skilful way (that is what difference from the submissive), respecting, of course, the rights and interests of the other (that clearly differentiates him from the aggressive). ” This definition shows us the close link that exists between our happiness and assertiveness, if we do not communicate our desires and defend our rights in a healthy way, it is clear that there will be repercussions on our state of mind, for this reason it is essential to develop this skill.

For Rosa León Barragán, an expert on the subject and Life Coach, assertiveness is something that should be practiced, so she shares the following recommendations that should be applied daily.


1. Listen to your body and pay attention, what is it asking for?

2. Identify the areas where you are assertive and those where you are not. When doing this exercise, do not be hard on yourself, as we mentioned earlier, assertiveness is a process that we are learning to carry out.

3. Face your fears and practice assertiveness little by little. Don’t try to change completely in one day, do it at your own pace.

4. Beware of guilt and shame as they close you to learning

5. Become a learner and be receptive to what others can teach you

6. Don’t be afraid to ask for help to control your negative emotions. If you are doubting your skills at work or the burden of responsibilities is great, do not be afraid to communicate it and request support.

7. Be aware of your corporality, remember that the body says a lot.

8. Develop your social communication skills

9. Walk with pride and don’t give up. As Rosa León Barragán defends, being wrong is incredible, a necessary step on the way to personal and professional growth.

10. In the face of conflict, use mature defense mechanisms and avoid fighting, avoiding the situation or paralyzing yourself.

Only 5 years to digitally transform

Digital transformation

“Digital transformation is an obligation for organizations, because in 5 years everything will have evolved in such a way that whoever is not able to catch up will run the risk of disappearing.”

This phrase by Vicente Ballester, founder of the key company i, a business management consultancy with more than 30 years of experience, could be considered by many as a sentence, but in reality it presents us with the digital transformation as an opportunity to increase the competitiveness and efficiency of companies.

We are in a moment of change that must be used to develop strong companies and people who can integrate into new digital business models. This will allow you to compete with larger companies and open up new markets, but also, as Ballester predicts, will cause outdated organizations to disappear. Digital transformation has been successfully implemented in customer service, in the recruitment and retention process of personnel, in relationships with suppliers, in the search for greater operational efficiencies and, truly, every aspect of a company is an area of chance. Simply analyze the following cases where technology completely redefined companies and opened new business strategies that see technology as a powerful ally.

For example, luxury car maker Porsche has made its customer service a unique experience by investing heavily in digital strategies to deliver a service that lives up to its image. It launched a roadside assistance program for its clients that includes the integration of the GPS system to calculate the closest roadside assistance provider and uses SMS messages to ensure effective communication with customers and assistance providers.

For its part, Domino’s Pizza has expanded the ways in which its customers can communicate with them and place their orders through text messages with its new AnyWhere platform from smartphones, smartwatches and smart TVs.

Digital transformation is not the acquisition of technological tools, but the adoption of an innovative mentality that is capable of proposing digital solutions, which is what Domino’s Pizza and Porsche did, how will you change your company?

* With information from Cio, just click here and find out what other companies have taken advantage of the digital transformation.

Are you interested in knowing more? Learn about the learning solutions we have for you:

Online Diploma: Leadership for Digital Transformation.

Educational freedom and equity: the best investment for Latin America

The countries of the region “have enormous possibilities to work together” in this regard: experts.

Faced with an environment of global uncertainty regarding our status as economic partners with  North America , as well as unequal opportunities among citizens, it is appropriate that as Mexicans we stop looking up for a moment and shift our focus to our Latin American soul  .

With this end in mind, the  Tecnológico de Monterrey , Campus Monterrey, invited Colombian politician Gina Parody and the rector of the Universidad de los Andes de Colombia, Pablo Navas, to talk about what they considered a key issue for moving forward as a region: quality education.

During the discussion table  Talent – equity: education and government in favor of the brightest minds , both characters affirmed that Latin American countries “have enormous possibilities to work together” in that sense and, to offer the public an example of how to achieve it, They shared the results of initiatives applied in their country.

The first is the  Ser Pilo Paga program , whose main objective is to change the reality of young people with a  future  that “they do not decide themselves, but is defined by the place where they are born, that is, luck,” as Parody explained. This consists of awarding  scholarships  to the young people with the highest qualifications and who really need it. Those who obtain them “it is not by levers, it is truly by their merits,” added the former Minister of Education and former Senator of the Republic in Colombia.

“Let’s think about it like this: if we have an Olympic-size swimming pool and everyone has the same starting point, the one who arrives first is the one who has practiced the most, the one who tries the most, the most disciplined. But they all came from the same point. That’s what we tried to do, match the starting point, “he added.

For his part, Navas shared a model that is implemented within his institution called I Want to Study. This consists of supporting young people to study a  quality higher education  to push them to achieve their dreams.

The students commit both to the institution for the future and, according to their level of success, to return the aid received in the form of donations to promote a new generation. This ensures  sustainability . The idea was born after the university “realized that the best investment that can be made from a social and financial point of view is to take those brilliant minds and give them a push,” commented the rector.